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The Strickland Family as a group is a very gifted family blessed with published writers, talented musicians, song writers as well as highly accomplished artists in the fine art field.

Stan's Father and his brother, Van, who studied at Ringling School of Art, each had their own particular painting style.


Stan's paternal grandparents, Arthur Cleveland Strickland and his wife Minnie Dallas, lived in southern Alabama.  They were farmers, making  their modest living off the land.  His parents, Clarence Asnah Strickland, and his mother, Lillie Madeline Knight were born in the very early 1900's at a time when the southern way of life was being inundated with change.  Cotton was still "King" to many because it was the only major crop they were familiar with.  Soon, it became evident to Clarence that Milledgeville would be a good hometown for his family due to the educational facilities available.


Stan's family is large, as many families were back then, and with their immense talents, "Pop" Strickland began touring with his very popular group "The Seven Strickland Songsters."  Southern gospel favorites poured from their very talented lips, as Clarence and Lillie accompanied them on the piano.


Stan's family consisted of six sisters:  Katrina Gloria Strickland, Merry Ann Strickland Finch, Ramona Gay Strickland Parish, Lucinda Strickland McMichael, Wanda Beth Strickland Burgess. and Madelyn "Binky" Strickland.  There are two brothers, Anthony Knight Strickland, and Van Durane Strickland.




 - U S Air Force - Air Traffic Controller

 - Union Recorder - Sales, Milledgeville, Georgia

 - FAA  - Student  (Three Months)

 - Reda Pump Company, B-Class Machinist, Bartlesville, Oklahoma

 - University of Tulsa - Art Department - Student

 - Studio Designs Printing, Milledgeville, Georgia

 - High School Art Teacher, Milledgeville, Georgia

 - Wingfield Gallery, Co-Owner

 - Wingfield Gallery, LLC


Gallery Affiliations:  Anne Tutt Gallery, American Masters Foundation


Previous Addresses for Wingfield Gallery

 - 108 W. Hancock Street, Milledgeville

 - 124 Pinecrest Dr. NE, Milledgeville

 - 361 W Hancock St., Milledgeville

 - 150 N. Jefferson St. Milledgeville


Marriages:  Jacquelyn Wingfield Stembridge, (1962 – 1993),   Anne Turner (1993 -       )


Children:  Anne Strickland (B. 1993 -   )


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